Andy Issott
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Mental Health Week at Headspace: 2 minutes 36 seconds

As a flexible workspace provider we often run Networking and Business Events. Whilst this is extremely important in terms of building our Community, these are not the only ways of supporting our members.


In aid of Mental Health Week, Headspace teamed up with the MQ Mental Health Charity. To kick things off we were also lucky to have Ali Ryan (MQ Ambassador) come and join us for lunch to speak about MQ Mental Health and their work, of which you can find out more information below. Thank you to Ali for your presentation and to all of our attendees.

Women gathered round a jar of sweets


MQ Mental Health’s first public campaign was called ‘Swearing to Make a Difference’. Our obscene language raised a total of £251.95. A special shout out to our tenants Freeformers and Prudential, who generously donated their large swear allowances in advance, such a commitment!

Two people smiling eating cookies

Although, I think a big thank you should also go to all our sweet toothed tenants. Our Son of a Biscuit Bake Sale was such a success, we’d sold out within the first 30 minutes meaning some people missed out… Not to worry though as we made a fresh batch of cookies for the following day, to ensure we’d made it round to all of our tenants.

Woman smiling with a cookie held against her face

Competitions which ran through out the week included `Shut Your Gob` and `Buzz Off`, of which we have two winners.


Shut Your Gob Competition Winner: Well done to Megan from See Saw and her amazing ability to guess the exact number of gobstopper sweets in a jar. This is a skill to be admired!

Buzz Off Winner: Congratulations also go out to Anna from Innovid, who held her nerve and her tongue in Buzz Off. Anna completed the electric ‘assault course’ both speedily and with precision, and was the only person of the week to not set off the buzzer! You’ve never seen a room so silent.

Women threading metal hook along a metal wire

About MQ Mental Health


MQ Mental Health Charity, was launched in 2013, with the aim of being a research focused charity, not only conducting their own projects, but becoming a gateway and information service for all mental health charity, research and programs to communicate through. This means MQ are developing a picture to illustrate what we know already and what else is there for us to know and investigate. Understanding these gaps is crucial to understanding Mental Health as a whole and working towards prevention.


The Swear Campaign focused on gaining funds towards Youth Research, aiming to find the core routes of mental illness from the off set. This may help us find ways of preventing disorders from occurring or helping individuals cope earlier on.


For more information go to the MQ Mental Health website.

Man and a woman stood by a 'don't buzz the wire' game

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